Welcome to Paper Lanterns

…their voices are fresh and burn with promise.

Irish literary magazine scene: Brilliant writing and blurred boundaries, Mei Chin, The Irish Times, Saturday 16th December 2023

As seen in The Irish Times, the Business Post, RTÉ Arena, The Journal.ie and more.

Hello, and welcome to Paper Lanterns, the Teen and Young Adult Literary Journal.

Paper Lanterns is a literary journal, founded in 2020 and published twice times a year. Acting as a platform to promote the voices of young people in Ireland and across the world, this journal provides new and exciting content for a teen and young adult audience. It is also perfect for enthusiasts of teen and YA literature; from teachers and librarians, to parents and youth workers.

This is a YA journal for writers, artists, dreamers, and doers. This is a space for the underrepresented voices and a platform for publishing and promoting young writers and artists so they are seen and heard.
We also make space for those who were once young adults to submit their work! Those who proudly and loudly represent young voices in today’s world.

We are a magazine for writers, readers, and artists. Whether you want to submit your own work or just want feel part of the Paper Lanterns’ community and book club, there is plenty of room for you here.

Please explore our website, and get reading and writing YA work!

~ The Paper Lanterns Team

Funded by The Arts Council

Policies and Procedures

You can read our policies here:

Child Safeguarding Statement

Child Protection and Welfare Policy

Complaints Policy

Contributors’ Rights

14 thoughts on “Welcome to Paper Lanterns

  1. Bravo and best of luck with this!

  2. Is this a paper journal or on line?

    1. Hi Catherine, this is a paper journal! But our review section is online as well as in print.

      1. Delighted to have a paper version!

  3. Good morning. I heard all about this on RTE radio last evening and thought the idea brilliant. This morning, I logged on to set up a subscription for my three nieces who live in Kerry but on seeking to complete the details of payment (I sought to set up the Ireland/Northern Ireland subscription as that is the jurisdiction within which they live), I am asked for a county. I live in London so the billing address will be London but the delivery address is Kerry. Would you be so kind as to advise how I pay for a years subscription for girls who live in Kerry but paid for by their uncle who lives in London. Thanks in advance, Gerard

    1. Good morning Gerard. We are delighted you heard us on RTÉ Arena and are interested in buying a subscription! What a lovely gift your your nieces.
      To remove the ‘County’ form in the billing address, select ‘United Kingdom’ from the regional drop down menu.
      After you fill in your billing details, scroll down the page and there should be a check box for ‘Deliver to a different address?’. If you click this box, you should be able to fill in your nieces’ address here and we will ship to that address.
      If you are still having trouble, you can buy the product to ship to your address and email us at paperlanternslit@gmail.com with your order number and a note explaining the issue. We will manually change the shipping address to the correct address and refund you any extra costs incurred. Please let us know if you have any questions!
      Thanks for your support, Amy

  4. Hi I’m Rae; I’m 16 and I’d love to write short stories and possibly poems on paper lanterns. But I’m sort of new around here. I don’t know all the details and guidelines to follow so i can start writing.

    1. Hi Rae, thanks for your interest! You can find out all our guidelines here: https://paperlanternslit.com/submissions/ if you have any questions, please email paperlanternsjournal@gmail.com. Amy

  5. Hi, I’m Chidi, a Nigerian writer. Please do you publish short stories written by Nigerian writers?

    1. Yes, our submissions are open internationally. Creative writing submissions are now closed. Please read our submission guidelines for details.

  6. Hi,

    I looked around on the website but couldn’t find out how regularly the issues are published- yearly, twice yearly, quarterly? Also, what date is the next issue expected out?

    Thanks so much.

    1. Hi Olan,
      We publish the journal 3 times a year, and the next issue is out on the 23rd August. We are having an in-person launch in Dublin as well as sharing readings online, and we would love to see you there.


  7. Hello,
    My grandson is 12+ years old> He is an avid reader and a future writer. Paper Lanterns sounds like it may be an excellent magazine for him. We live in New York City, NY USA. Is there a source for this magazine in NY. ?
    Or is possible to buy one copy to try it out?
    Or it may be possible that he will be in the UK this summer. Where can we find a copy?
    Thank you for your help.
    Winifred Bendiner-Viani

    1. Hi Winifred,

      Thank you for your comment. You can buy a copy from our website and we can ship it to you, in New York or in the UK!

      Kind regards,


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