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8 Top Tips for Submitting a Feature

Got an idea for a feature article? Want to share your views on Teen & YA Literature? We’d love to hear from you – so get in touch!

We’ve put together some tips to help you put your feature together:

  1. Proposals are accepted! We would be delighted to work with you to make sure the finished piece is the best essay it can be, and to make sure it fits into the style of the journal
  2. If you do want to send a completed essay, great! Just remember we don’t accept academic essays
  3. The essays section basically means “non-fiction”. We just want to hear about your thoughts and observations without a fictional narrative (for that, check out our creative writing submissions!)
  4. What we are looking for from teen writers: anything that interests you! This journal is for and by you. Talk about your love for arts, sports, change you want to see, your experiences. If you feel passionate enough to write about it, we want to read it!
  5. What we want from adult writers: anything that would be an interest to a teen audience. It can be observations on trends in YA lit, an exploration of new art/sports/science/etc for teens, highlighting a platform that is of interest to young folks – ANYTHING for a TEEN AUDIENCE
  6. Familiarise yourself with what we’ve already published to get an idea of what we like. For teens, essays on their love for ballet, learning to read Jane Austen, the role of nostalgia. For adults, the representation of mental health in YA lit, career paths for book lovers, etc
  7. When writing a proposal to submit to us, it should be approx 500 words (but that’s a very loose guideline). In the proposal, highlight what you want to do, how you will do it, and what support you’d need from Paper Lanterns to make it work (access to resources, contacts, etc)
  8. If in doubt, ask! Email us at with any questions.

Happy writing – we can’t wait to read your ideas!

For submissions guidelines, click here