Issue 7: Digital Download


This issue include features from Marine Bernard and Elaine Smyth about the importance of video games and graphic novels for a YA audience.

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We are thrilled that issue 7 of Paper Lanterns is now available for digital download! The link will expire in 14 days so please ensure you download it in time! We respectfully request you do not share the PDF once bought, we are a small business and income from the journals goes towards paying for printing, editing and contributor fees.

Issue 7 of Paper Lanterns is full of fantastic work from our teenage and over 19 contributors. As always, we have an amazing selection of fiction and artwork to lose yourself in and some fabulous reviews of the latest teen and YA books that you can add to your ‘To Be Read’ piles.
The perfect journal for teens who love to read, as well as older YA enthusiasts.

What’s included in Issue 7?

  • Beautiful artwork from teen contributors.
  • A variety of thrilling poems, stories and flash fiction with a blend of genres to suit everyone’s favourites.
  • Catríona Devery talks us through what it means to be a food writer.
  • Features from Marine Bernard and Elaine Smyth about the importance of video games and graphic novels for a YA audience.
  • Interview with author Caroline Busher.
  • Reviews of Precious Catastrophe, All Our Hidden Gifts, T.I.G.E.R.S, Tomorrow is Beautiful and many more!


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