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Short Story Competition Now Open!

White text on a background that is dusky purple on the bottom fading to a peach orange cloud on top. Paper Lanterns and Tertulia Present Short Story. Theme: Daylight
Guest Judge: Sam Blake.
Open to teens on the island of Ireland
Two categories: 13-15 years & 16-18 years
Submit to:
Closes September 10th 11.59 PM

Our theme for this competition is ‘Daylight’. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box!

The competition closes on September 10th at 11.59 PM.

Submit your short story to: in a Word Document or a Google Document.

In the body of your email, please include:

  • Your name.
  • Your age.
  • Your county of residence (you must live on the island of Ireland).
  • Your school (if applicable).
  • A little bit about yourself!

Our guest judge, Sam Blake, will read and select the winning pieces (one from each age group) from the shortlist.

The winners will be published in Issue 15 of Paper Lanterns.

The winners will receive a cash prize of €100 sponsored by Tertulia.

The winners will also receive a copy of Issue 15.

We can’t wait to read your stories!


  • You must be a resident on the island of Ireland.
  • You must be aged between 13-18. We have two judging categories: 13-15 years and 16-18 years.
  • Your work must be an original piece.
  • Short stories must be between 1200 and 2000 words. Please do not exceed this word count.
  • All stories will be read blind. Do not include your name or contact details within the submitted document.
  • We will not consider work that is prejudiced in nature. We will not consider work that includes, but is not limited to: sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or classist content.
  • We cannot accept work that has already been published.
  • The judge’s decision is final. Our guest judge cannot provide feedback on any submitted or shortlisted pieces.