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Who Watches This Place by Amy Clarkin: Review

Who Watches This Place is impossible to put down. The sequel to What Walks These Halls follows a small cast in modern-day Ireland with a simple premise: a group of friends are paranormal investigators and are tasked with solving a spooky case in a high-profile members’ club in Dublin city.

Despite being a sequel, it can be enjoyed without reading the first book and is not too confusing. The vivid and diverse cast manage to be incredibly relatable as well as compelling and dynamic. Their banter is hilarious and comes off so naturally that it creates an easy sense of familiarity.

The novel has a slow start and takes a while to get into the horror aspect. It also doesn’t delve deeply into Davis’ character as a Black man in Ireland, but the positives still outweigh the negatives, especially with the introduction of Adrian, a captivating and intriguing character. The foreshadowing was brilliant as well.

A good novel that is easy to digest—an addicting read that explores trauma, sexuality, and relationships, set against an amazing thriller backdrop that keeps the reader hooked.

Review by Mary Richard, 16

Who Watches This Place
Amy Clarkin
The O’Brien Press, 2024
Paperback, €12.99
ISBN: 9781788494588

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Review: What Walks These Halls by Amy Clarkin

What Walks These Halls
Amy Clarkin
The O’Brien Press, April 2023
Paperback, €12.99
ISBN: 9781788493734


What Walks These Halls is an interesting, modern take on a paranormal story following a handful of different characters, each with their own unique personality that shines throughout the story. 

We first meet the intelligent Raven and are introduced to her turbulent relationship with her family. I really enjoyed the cryptic nature of this story and the way not everything is revealed at once. This can be seen in Archer’s motivations and Éabha’s mysterious abilities. It draws you into the story and keeps you turning the pages for hours.

Despite Raven’s disapproval and reluctant involvement, Archer revives the family business: PSI, or Paranormal Surveys Ireland. The two siblings, along with their team of friends, embark on a journey filled with secrets, mystery and most importantly, paranormal activity. I enjoyed the way the relationships of the characters develop and evolve throughout this story; I was rooting for them the whole time and it kept me questioning what would happen next. 

What Walks These Halls is Amy Clarkin’s debut novel and I am looking forward to seeing more of her fiction in the future. She handles relationships, social dynamics and character building in a highly engaging and relatable way. 

Hanna-Rose Sullivan, 18