The Wild
Owen Laukkanen
Underlined, January 2021
Paperback, £7.99
ISBN 9780593179741
This book is about a troubled girl who gets sent to a camp called Out of the Wild. The camp is situated in a forest where the campers carry out daily tasks, like cooking, cleaning, and setting up their tents. They spend many months living in the forest, and they can’t get away from the bad weather. It doesn’t end how you think it would…

Overall I thought it was a really good read, and a very quick one! The characters draw you in, and you want to learn more about their past and future as quickly as possible. The story constantly makes you feel like something bad is going to happen. I have one negative thing to say about this book and that is that the chapters are too short. They are only about two pages each.
I would recommend this book to people who enjoy plot twists. In general this is a very good book, one that I could read again and again.
Holly Dolan, teen reviewer.