Wish of the Wicked by Danielle Paige is a retelling of Cinderella and follows the story of a young girl called Farrow who is the only “Entente” left in a world full of humans. The Entente used to help keep all thirteen Queendoms at peace with each other, but when the old queen dies and Queen Magrit steps up to the throne, she outlaws magic. Farrow is the only survivor, but her magic is fractured. Desperate to seek revenge, Farrow hatches a plan to kill the queen and prince and has to make some difficult decisions. This book was an exciting page turner with twists and turns. However, it can become quite repetitive. The story does pick up and unfolds into a thrilling novel so I would strongly advise to keep reading. I also think it is very insightful as we receive a strong backstory on Cinderella and her Fairy Godmother which was intriguing and I couldn’t wait to read more.
Wish of the Wicked is the perfect book for young adults who want to read a fantasy novel, full of action, romance and anticipation. However, I would not recommend this for younger readers as there is a lot of death described in great detail and some romance. This book is perfect for fans of Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige and Cinderella is Dead by Kalynn Bayron, or anyone who just wants an exciting page turner you can’t put down. Overall, I loved this book as it has a compelling plot, interesting characters, and will always have you on the edge of your seat wanting to read more.
Ciara Martin, 14
Wish of the Wicked
Danielle Paige
Bloomsbury, 2023
Paperback, £11.99
ISBN 9781526636461