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Our Chemical Hearts

Our Chemical Hearts
Krystal Sutherland
Hot Key Books, 2016
Paperback, 313 pages, £7.99
ISBN 9781471405839


This book focuses on Henry Page, who falls in love with Grace. Grace isn’t an ordinary teenage girl, she wears oversized men’s clothes and smells like she hasn’t washed in weeks. But there is something else about her, something she is hiding, something that is keeping herself from falling in love again, and Henry won’t stop until he knows what it is. But will Grace ever open up about her secrets from the past? Or will Henry have to figure it out on his own?

Sutherland writes about loss, love, and longing in this coming-of-age novel. It is beautifully written and I would definitely suggest this book to all romance readers. You get to see Henry’s relationship with his two best friends, family, and Grace. I loved seeing Henry’s character development throughout the book. It is a sad but amazing story and definitely makes you think when you are finished reading it. I would recommend this book to all teen romance readers.

Esmée Kidd, teen reviewer